History and not only history could be slogan of the museum that shows traces of a glorious past of the 'University of Pavia and significant testimonies of those who have revolutionized the world of physics and medicine. Officially opened in 1936 , the Museum originally housed some of the University's human anatomy , medical/surgical and physical science collection.

The museum is divided in different rooms: there is an ENTRANCE HALL where the wall plaques portray numerous illustrious professors of the University of Pavia. Attention should be drawn to the natural philosopher  Girolamo Cardano ( 1501-1576) , the botanist and chemist Giovanni Antonio Scopoli         ( 1723-1788) , the poet Ugo Foscolo (1778-1827) and many others. The fact that nowadays scientific terminology includes the names of many Pavia's profesors is an indication of the great contributions the University has made to science worldwide.

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