In the PHYSIC SECTION of museum there are about 800 pieces of apparatus tht belonged to the Universyties's physics Gabinet in the period from tha last quarter of the XVIII and the first quarter of the XX century. The EIGHTEEN CENTURY ROOM  has about 600 pieces collected by the successors of Alessandro Volta
and developments related to electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, mechanics and geodesy.

A. Volta's statue located in the courtyard of the University
In the VOLTA'S ROOM the apparatus traced back to ALESSANDRO VOLTA has benne divided into two groups: his numerous inventions , and pieces made for him by others and only used by Volta. Alessandro Volta . He taught physics at the University of Pavia and whit his numerous experiments, made ​​in the Cabinet in Pavia, came the invention of the STACK
There is a MEDICAL SECTION that includes many rooms dedicated to important scientis and anatomists. To ANTONIO SCARPA is dedicated the first room. Some of the most important pieces of the University 's ancient collection of anatomical preparation are in this room.

In the LUIGI PORTA'S room there are many admirably demonstrative preparations , especially those made by injection and dissection. Also in this room there is a collection of preparations of ovarian cysts and other pathologies.

The CAMILLO GOLGI's room contains most of the material on the first italian nobel for the medicine: microscope preparations , documents , instruments , anatomical waxes and evocative images of our neurons. Golgi laid down the foundations of modern neuroscience......
History and not only history could be slogan of the museum that shows traces of a glorious past of the 'University of Pavia and significant testimonies of those who have revolutionized the world of physics and medicine. Officially opened in 1936 , the Museum originally housed some of the University's human anatomy , medical/surgical and physical science collection.

The museum is divided in different rooms: there is an ENTRANCE HALL where the wall plaques portray numerous illustrious professors of the University of Pavia. Attention should be drawn to the natural philosopher  Girolamo Cardano ( 1501-1576) , the botanist and chemist Giovanni Antonio Scopoli         ( 1723-1788) , the poet Ugo Foscolo (1778-1827) and many others. The fact that nowadays scientific terminology includes the names of many Pavia's profesors is an indication of the great contributions the University has made to science worldwide.